Saturday, 26 March 2022

1974 Manix - マニックス by クラリオン (Clarion) & ミニジューク・ジャパン (Mini Juke Japan) & エース自動機 (Ace Jidoki)

Name: Manix - マニック
Year: 1974
Manufacturer: クラリオン (Clarion) & ミニジューク・ジャパン (Mini Juke Japan) & エース自動機 (Ace Jidoki)

Manix is a countertop slot machine notable for using edgelit displays.

manufacturer: クラリオン株式会社 (Clarion Co., Ltd.)
distributor: ミニジューク・ジャパン (Mini Juke Japan)

We can take a look inside thanks to one that came up for auction.

by クラリオン (Clarion)
74-75 machine directory

エース自動機 (Ace Jidoki) was surely their distributor. In this advertisement below they are listed as the 関西総販売元 (Kansai General Distributor).  But the same title is also given to another company,ロイヤルアミューズメントサービス (Royal Amusement Service).  Outside of this advertisement, I do not think I have seen that name anywhere else. 
from Amusement 1974-07

Game Machine 1976-01-01
エース自動機 (Ace Jidoki)

Game Machine 1974-08-10
レジャーエンタープライゼス (Leisure Enterprises)

Manix appears to have been exported, at the very least to Sweden.  This flyer is marked from Biljardexperten AB of Stockholm Sweden.


While エース自動機 (Ace Jidoki) seemed to be one of the few distributors that sold Manix in 1974, 1974 advertisements for Manix are entirely dominated by エース自動機 (Ace Jidoki) and feature a slightly updated model, with a 32 coin payout possibility added.


This is the second version of Manix that I've seen. Note that the 16 coin payout has been added. I can't read the label well enough to decisively say the difference between the two versions.

The company was very much technician oriented. I love this photograph of their booth from 1976, showing the massive Bally test rig.  at the 1977 show you can see they are selling many tools.


Amusement 1976-11

Amusement 1977-10

While Ace Jidoki continued to sell this version of Manix into 1978, a slightly different version called New Manix appeared briefly in 1976, featuring a slightly different payout card.

Game Machine 1976-05-01
(New Manix: different scoring marquee)
日本商事 (Nihon Shoji)

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