Saturday, 4 February 2023

1961 Jungle Gun - ジャングルガン by 日本娯楽物産 (Nihon Goraku Bussan) & 日本機械製造 (Nihon Kikai Seizo — Sega)

Name: Jungle Gun - ジャングルガン
Year: 1961
Company: 日本娯楽物産 (Nihon Goraku Bussan) & 日本機械製造 (Nihon Kikai Seizo — Sega)

There does not seem to be any other documentation of this game online, so I am happy to share this with you.

From this book of Sega arcade history, the year given for Jungle Gun is 1961.  The arrow points to text noting the gun game boom starting around 1962.

The colour of Jungle Gun can be seen in this wonderful photo shared by accs2014.

photo from accs2014.
this photo includes Sonar Attack - ソナーアタック by さとみ (Satomi) which I think is 1968, so this photo is probably from the end of the 1960s.  To the left you can see a sliver of Sega's Space Ace.

Another photo of Jungle Gun in an arcade:

From the 1962 movie ギャング対ギャング this woman is playing jungle gun.

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