Sunday 21 July 2024

announcement: 4500+ machines! 発表: 4500 台以上のマシン!

We have now surpassed 4500 machines!!  

The machine tally is currently 4566.
マシンの合計数は現在 4566 です。

Prior milestones:  これまでのマイルストーン:

I would like to thank everyone who has been contributing to this project.  A number of contributors have asked to remain anonymous, but I want to thank you all for your generosity of both time and resources.  And thank you to everyone who contributes to the history of arcades by sharing their knowledge and scans on all sorts of social media sites. 
このプロジェクトに貢献してくださった皆様に感謝申し上げます。匿名を希望する貢献者も多数いらっしゃいますが、時間とリソースを惜しみなく提供していただいた皆様に感謝申し上げます。また、さまざまなソーシャル メディア サイトで知識やス​​キャンを共有してアーケードの歴史に貢献してくださった皆様にも感謝申し上げます。

This is a community-focused project.  It has been built by dispersed collectors and researchers, and I am helping to shape a useful dataset for everyone to utilize.  I hope you feel a similar satisfaction about this project as I do.  I am grateful to have been trusted with such material.  This is history that needed to be recorded and shared, and I am satisfied to help produce this body of research.  The research will outlive my own collection.  I am happy it will assist in arcade preservation efforts world-wide.

[Note: All translation is done with Machine Translation tools]
[注: すべての翻訳は機械翻訳ツールで行われています]

Will we make it to 5000 machines?

I am unsure if we will reach 5000 machines.  I think it is possible, but with the current set of research materials available to me it will not happen.  I have been actively gathering research materials for a number of years, and we are nearing the point where everything I need is either too rare or too expensive.  I would like to outline some of the difficulties this project is facing.
5000 台のマシンに到達できるかどうかはわかりません。可能だとは思いますが、現在入手できる研究資料では実現しないでしょう。私は何年も研究資料を積極的に収集してきましたが、必要なものがすべて希少すぎるか高価すぎるという状況に近づいています。このプロジェクトが直面しているいくつかの困難について概説したいと思います。

Current challenges to the Eremeka Project:
エレメカ リスト プロジェクトにおける現在の課題:

  • Flyer Prices: Any remaining flyers and catalogues I'm interested in have been selling for 20k-50k. If you collect these items, would you please consider contributing scans to the project? Any information or images would be greatly beneficial to documenting this history.
    チラシの価格: 私が興味を持っている残りのチラシやカタログは、20,000~50,000 で販売されています。これらのアイテムを収集している場合は、スキャンした画像をプロジェクトに提供することを検討してください。情報や画像は、この歴史を記録するのに非常に役立ちます。

  • Incredibly Rare Flyers: I have seen some incredibly rare flyers that I would love to have images of, but worry I will never be able to see them and add their information.
    非常に珍しいチラシ: 非常に珍しいチラシをいくつか見ましたが、画像があればいいのですが、それを見て情報を追加することは決してできないのではないかと心配しています。

    • In this photo from @pachinkotanjo a guest at the Birth Of Pachinko Museum shows off 3 extremely rare flyers from the 1930s. (archive)  If you are reading this, thank you so much for saving those flyers.  I would very much like to speak with you and incorporate the information you have into this database.
      @pachinkotanjoのこの写真では、パチンコ誕生博物館のゲストが 1930 年代の非常に珍しいチラシ 3 枚を披露しています。(アーカイブ)  これを読んでいる方、チラシを保存してくださって本当にありがとうございます。ぜひあなたとお話しして、あなたが持っている情報をこのデータベースに組み込みたいと思っています。

    • This seller has a 1966 Senyo Kogyo catalogue (archive,) and while I added information from the glimpses I can see in the photographs, I would absolutely love to get a scan of this to include the information into the database. 
      この販売者は 1966 年の Senyo Kogyo カタログ (アーカイブ) を所有しており、写真で垣間見える部分から情報を追加しましたが、この情報をデータベースに含めるために、ぜひこれをスキャンして入手したいと思っています。

  • Pachinko Magazines:  I have been unable to track down any copies of pachinko industry magazines from the 1950s to early 1980s. I am pleading for anyone who may have these, or know where they can be accessed, to please get in touch with me.  If I could see the first decade or two of 遊技通信 (1951-1990) I would be incredibly happy.  I believe it is filled with crucial information.  全遊連弘報 launched in 1965 and there might be copies at the National Diet Library.  グリーンべると launched in 1966.  Are there other industry magazines I should be looking for?  1950s-1980s
    パチンコ雑誌: 1950 年代から 1980 年代初頭までのパチンコ業界雑誌のコピーを 1 冊も見つけることができませんでした。これらの雑誌をお持ちの方、または入手できる場所を知っている方は、ぜひ私に連絡してください。遊技通信 (1951-1990) の最初の 10 年か 20 年を見ることができれば、とてもうれしいです。重要な情報が満載だと思います。全遊連弘報は 1965 年に創刊され、国立国会図書館にコピーがあるかもしれません。グリーンべるとは 1966 年に創刊されました。他に探すべき業界雑誌はありますか? 1950 年代 - 1980 年代
  • Meeting Collectors: Networking with other electromechanical collectors in Japan has been difficult.  I have found message boards for collectors of EM games in Canada, USA, France, Italy, UK, and Germany.  But I have found no boards for Japanese collectors.  I would love to contact collectors in order to learn more about Japanese machines, and to share our mutual passion for collecting EM machines.
    コレクターとの出会い: 日本国内で他の電気機械コレクターとのネットワーク作りは困難でした。カナダ、米国、フランス、イタリア、英国、ドイツで EM ゲームのコレクター向けの掲示板を見つけましたが、日本のコレクター向けの掲示板は見つかりませんでした。日本のマシンについてもっと知り、EM マシン収集への共通の情熱を共有するために、コレクターと連絡を取りたいと思っています。

  • Type Approval Numbers: The Type Approval Numbers research that I hope to locate might be at the National Diet Library.  It might be a very arduous and slow process to retrieve it, but I am unsure.  Would anyone in Japan be willing to assist in this research?  Perhaps there is an easier method?  Perhaps I could hire a university student near an appropriate NDL location?
    型式承認番号: 私が探したい型式承認番号の調査は、国立国会図書館にあるかもしれません。それを取得するのは非常に困難で時間のかかるプロセスかもしれませんが、確信はありません。日本でこの調査を手伝ってくれる人はいませんか? もっと簡単な方法があるのでしょうか? 適切な国立国会図書館の近くの大学生を雇うことはできるでしょうか?

  • Magazines Needed: I need magazines from the 1980s!  They are selling for over 10k each and I keep losing auctions.  I have very few magazines from the 1980s and it is a large hole in the dataset.  I will post a list of the magazines I have processed for information.  If you have any other magazine issues, I would love a scan of it, or the chance to purchase it so we can scan it.
    雑誌募集: 1980 年代の雑誌が必要です。1 冊あたり 1 万ドル以上で売られており、オークションで負け続けています。1980 年代の雑誌はほとんどなく、データセットに大きな穴があります。情報として処理した雑誌のリストを投稿します。他の雑誌をお持ちの場合は、スキャンしたものをお送りいただくか、購入してスキャンできるようにしていただければ幸いです。

Thursday 18 July 2024

1931 野球模擬戦機 (Baseball Imitation Strategy game) by 佐藤寛蔵商店 (Sato Kanzo Shoten)

Name: 野球模擬戦機 (Baseball Imitation Strategy game)
Year: 1931
Company: 佐藤寛蔵商店 (Sato Kanzo Shoten)

This is a candy-vending game machine.  It came up for sale on YJA. (archive)  This machine was written in the book コリントゲーム史 (History of the Corinthian Game) by Kazuo Sugiyama.  He writes that it was first registered in 1931, and the book includes an advertisement that mentions it:

advertisement from 佐藤寛蔵商店 (Sato Kanzo Shoten)
published 1932-07-04 in Tokyo Asahi Shimbun
reproduced in History of the Corinthian Game

Instead of using a pachinko-style lever, this game uses a lever (that looks like a baseball bat!) on the right side of the machine to propel the ball in to play.  

lever for shooting the ball



It appears that each of the 4 top cups are winners, that will reward the player with a candy.

一壘 = first base
二壘 = second base
三壘 = third base

On the left side is a knob to control the catcher mechanism.  Catching the ball returns it to play in hopes of winning on the next shot.

本壘 = home base
the catcher says ハウル (foul)
bottom hole is アウト (out)


I had bid on this machine and wish I won it, but it was too expensive for me.

Here is a look at the bottom of the playfield.  The hole on the left is what the catcher deposits a ball into.  This aligns with "Kicker Catcher" machines designs that were quite popular in USA. The ball falls out of the hole down and to the right of it.  On the right there are two holes by the kicker.  I believe one gives you the ball when when you insert a coin.  I believe the other hole releases the ball after winning a candy, so it could be fired again.


The inside of the machine, there is a track for the candy.  All of the winning holes appear to converge, and I suspect that after the payout, your ball is returned to shoot again.  In the 2nd part of this, you can see how the catcher is controlled by a belt attached to the side knob.

Labels on the outside:


Thursday 4 July 2024

~1969 玉入れゲーム (ball toss game) by 日本自動販売機 (Nihon Jidô Hanbaiki — Game Mate) & カトウ (Kato)

Name: 玉入れゲーム (ball toss game)
Year: ~1969
Company: 日本自動販売機 (Nihon Jidô Hanbaiki — Game Mate)  & カトウ (Kato)

This game has a central spinner, similar to Bally's game Spinner.  Balls that enter holes on either side can be ejected into the upper basket when the player presses a corresponding button.  We could say that Champion Long Shoot [Champion Shoot Ball] - ロングシュート by 日本自動販売機 (Nihon Jidô Hanbaiki) & 昭和遊園 (Showa Yuen) is similar gameplay, just stretch out into a wider cabinet.

This flyer was shared by @area51_zek (archive)

flyer from 日本自動販売機 (Nihon Jidô Hanbaiki — Game Mate)

This game appears in the 1969 machine directory.

1969 machine directory entry    

In the company index, this game is listed by both Kato and Nihon Jidô Hanbaiki.

Kato's game list in the 1969 directory

Nihon Jidô Hanbaiki's game list in the 1969 directory

I have no further year information, so this machine could have been made in 1969 or earlier.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

price list from 中村製作所 (Nakamura Seisakusho) [presumed 1970]

There was an auction on YJA for a Nakamura Seisakusho price list that appears to be from 1970. (YJA - archive)

original image from listing

cropped and warped

Thank you to tweakbod @ GamingAlexandria for transcribing the parts I couldn't read!


レーサー…………………………¥ 450,000
30テスト…………………………¥ 185,000
ミニコンピューター……………¥ 240,000
ベースボール……………………¥ 265,000
ミニドライブ M型………………¥220,000
ミニドライブ MA型………………¥250,000

ボーイング 727号……………¥180,000

Machine translation:

Price List

■Game Machines
30 Test…………………………¥185,000
Mini Computer………………¥240,000
Battle of the Bulge……………………¥1,800,000
Air Fighter………………¥395,000
New Combat Gun………………¥320,000
Safari Gun……………………¥320,000
Mini Drive M………………¥220,000
Mini Drive MA type………………¥250,000
Hockey game……………………¥120,000

■Small vehicles
Mickey Mouse…………¥80,000
Donga Bacho…………¥80,000
One Chance…………¥75,000
Sports car…………¥75,000

■Medium vehicles
Chemical fire truck………………¥180,000
Boeing No. 727……………¥180,000
Sea Patrol………………¥180,000
Space Patrol………………¥180,000
Highway Patrol…………¥180,000
Jet Fighter………………¥185,000
Minicar (1 set of 3)…¥360,000

What can we learn here?  I am not very interested in kiddie rides, so I will focus on the game machines.
Racer (1970) is the hallmark machine, at 450k for the single game.  A full 55,000 yen pricier than Kasco's Air Fighter from 1970.

I have Racer, MiniCom, and 30 Test all as 1970 machines and they lead this list off.  There exists a Nakamura flyer that then has the next two large installation games, Battle of The Bulge (1968) and Periscope (1966).  At 1.8 million yen, they are the equivalent of 4 Racer units.

The next 3 are curious: Baseball, Ronin, Playland.  These 3 also show up together, in the same order, on a Nakamura distribution flyer.
こまや (Komaya) games being sold by 

We only have circumstantial and design evidence, but at this point I am fairly confident that Ronin is a こまや (Komaya) game.

The final 6 games are by Kansai Seiki.  The only revelation here is that Safari Gun is listed, and previously the earliest date I had recorded for that was 1971, so I will bump it forward a year to 1970.  I am very confident this flyer is in fact from 1970, but I feel it's important to show my work so that my assumptions can be untangled by future researchers.
It is interesting to see Combat Gun being referred to as New Combat Gun, presumably to differentiate from their Combat gun game from the late 1960s.  But we don't see it written like that in other sources, AFAIK.

a foreigners' guide to eremeka arcades - 外国人のためのエレメカアーケードゲームガイド: introduction & main page - 紹介&メインページ

eremeka search tool  // エレメカ検索ツール begin browsing at 1960 / 1960年代から閲覧する begin browsing at 1970 / 1970年代から閲覧する begin browsing at 1980 / 1980...