Wednesday, 30 November 2022

1977 新幹線ゲームⅡ・宇宙 (Shinkansen Game II; Space) by 九娯貿易 (Kyugo Trading) & ニシキ製作所 (Nishiki Seisakusho)


Name: 新幹線ゲームⅡ・宇宙 (Shinkansen Game II; Space)
Year: 1977
Company: 九娯貿易 (Kyugo Trading) & ニシキ製作所 (Nishiki Seisakusho)

The year and companies listed here are taking from the DGM website.(archive).
They have a picture of the serial number plate that gives the manufacturer as ニシキ製作所 (Nishiki Seisakusho):

The name is just listed as 
新幹線ゲーム (Shinkansen Game) and the Type Approval Number is 91-13366.  This is the exact same plate that appears on the regular 新幹線ゲームⅡ (Shinkansen Game II) as well as on 1976 新幹線ゲームⅤ (Shinkansen game V).  I am unsure if there are any differences between these games!

1977 コインロケット (coin rocket) by ユニバーサル (Universal) & ニシキ製作所 (Nishiki Manufacturing)

Coin Rocket came out in 1977, and so it is easy to say that Shinkansen Game II: Space is a variant that came out in 1977 as well.  Perhaps Coin Rocket did not sell well, and Nishiki decided to reuse the remaining artwork?
I do not know if "Space" is included in the official name, but it is a useful name for us to use.

This version of Shinkansen Game has unique artwork on the plexiglass where you win:

Photo from the DGM book:


  1. I'm not Japanese but isn't the reading of 九娯 "Kyugo" ? The latter name of the company was キューゴ.

    1. yeah I'll fix that up. It was probably an earlier machine translation-gone-wrong


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